Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Integrating Technology Dance and Art

This blog will be all about my journey through the art of dance. Although I am not a dance major many of my art projects project the idea of movement and dance. I have found a new world of art within my hula hoop and I am in the process of making a ceramic project that connects with my love for hoop dance and flow. It is important that I let my students know how I connect all aspects of art and technology. My hula hoop that I use is an LED hula and has given me so much to do with multiple art projects. For example exposure in photography and this ceramics project I am working on now. This technology of the LED hoop has opened a new world for me. I want to have students understand there is a way to connect themselves with art and technology. LED hoops are fairly new meanwhile the hoop has been around since the early 1970's. Hula hooping has become a passion of mine and I can connect it with my other passion of ceramics. This is important because students must see how we as educators connect our lives with out careers. Below are some photos I took of myself hooping.   
(The first two are of me hooping)          

(It even brings joy to our waiter)

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Potential of Clothing

          As in many of my other blog posts I have spoken about how important it is to be able to create designs and be able to make money with art. Students need to learn from school that there is potential in everything they do. They just need to find the proper audience and consumers. We all wear clothing and many people see clothes as an outlet or a way to express themselves. I know I express myself through clothes. There are so many different clothes for all different occasions. This means there is a market for all the occasions clothing. There are a ton of different designers and markets. Personally I would love to be a shoe designer. My job as a teacher to to open the students eyes to see what they can do. For me I see shoes as an outlet and an expression of ones self. Also when I wear awesome shoes I feel great about myself. When I was younger I did not see a possibility to become a shoe designer and that is what I want to avoid as a teacher having a student say oh I can do that! They need to understand they literally can do anything. There is this great site on the computer that I found about a year ago. It is all about clothing and without technology we would never have it. This is a great way to show students how to use technology for their future. The website will be linked in below. Hopefully a student will be able to see the large market for clothing and be able to realize their dreams can come true!    

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nail Art

        Being an art major it is sometimes hard to sit and think about how you are going to make money in the future. I see my job as a teacher to not only help students learn about art but I want to give them the ability to take their strong point/concentration and make them the best at it and make them money with it. It is important for students to know how they can use their craft in the real world. As an example I will be discussing nail art and how there is a market for it. Nail art has been up and coming in the past few years. Nail art or 3D nails is a demanding craft now. I have personally found nail art through the internet and various social media sites. Once again the internet has come in handy for artists. 3D nail art consists of the powder used to create acrylic tips and is used in a decorative form. As of now it is rather difficult to find nail salons that specialize in this type of miniature works of art. I am glad to say I live in the metro area and have found a few nail salons that are good at this technique. In the next year or so I can see many nail salons creating 3D works of nail art. As a teacher, I will inspire children to take their craft and make them money with it. It is important that students see the business potential and value in their works of art.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mini Paint Timeline

Since the early years of humans painting and recording stories have been around. From cave men up until now the idea of painting has changed drastically. It is important that everyones understands that cave mens depiction is a version of painting. Since then painting has come a long way. Paint has been around for so long throughout American history. Watercolor dates back to the time of the cave men, then there is oil paint which can be dated back to 1430 and most recently around 1940 acrylic paint was created. These are not the only 3 kinds of paint but they are the most important. Painting is not my concentration but it is important to understand this is how we know what happened in the 1400's, 1500's and so forth. Painting has evolved greatly over the years. Technology has been able to change paint because we can now synthetically create paint to make it last longer and become cheaper for consumers. Being that I was born in the late 1900's I have a choice of so many different types of paint. I do see this as a problem though because I should have tried to use oil paint because it is a piece of art history but I have not tried it and I have only used acrylics. I feel as though anyone who takes a painting class should have the opportunity to test it out. People have used oil paint for so long so it is important to see what it is like.      

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Collaboration Canvas

I have remixed the Hamlet Canvas on PLAY. I thought it would be a great idea to get art students involved with making sets for plays. In high school I had to make a set for a play and thought it was a great opportunity. I enjoy when art can be presented in real life jobs others than being an artist. The process of remixing this canvas was frustrating because there were so many boxes that it would get distorted every time I moved something. The hardest part for me was coming up with an idea of how to relate it to anyones canvas. In the canvas I remixed I added how to create a background/set for a play. Soliloquies are nothing without a dramatic place to be told in. I added the idea that the set is just as important as the story being told. This play will forever be remembered and the set should be as well. I also added the idea that a student doesn't have to become and artist but could potentially work for a large company making art in the style of backgrounds. This gives real life example of how someone can get an awesome job by making sets for plays!     

Monday, November 4, 2013

Technology and Graphic Design

Throughout time technology has changed. It has had a huge impact on graphic design. For a while graphic design was on a huge rise. At this time it has calmed down and there are not so many job opening for it. Around 2000 computers took over the graphic design world. Ads went form being hand drawn to being made on the computer; this was a drastic change. Back in the 80's people who worked for ad agencies would have to sit and draw out each different ad they wanted to pitch to their client. This was very time consuming and would also be a very tedious job. Having one copy of something is also very risky, no one would let that happen these days. Having to draw ever add over again for just a little change in lettering or over whelming amounts of time. Thanks to Adobe we can now save files under different names and be able to change little things and pitch it to clients and show them many different options without taking the long drawn out personal time to do separate drawings. Graphic design has truly helped the media move along. It was like jumping 10 feet forward. Drawing out ads is very risky because if they get ruined there is only one way to get them back and that is to start from scratch. For example in the movie Pursuit of Happyness Will smith works for an ad agency and has to draw his ads. This takes a lot of time and one night his son in the movie spills a drink all over the table and ruins all his hard work. With computers and Adobe it is now so much easier of a process. We all have technology to thank.
