Monday, November 18, 2013

The Potential of Clothing

          As in many of my other blog posts I have spoken about how important it is to be able to create designs and be able to make money with art. Students need to learn from school that there is potential in everything they do. They just need to find the proper audience and consumers. We all wear clothing and many people see clothes as an outlet or a way to express themselves. I know I express myself through clothes. There are so many different clothes for all different occasions. This means there is a market for all the occasions clothing. There are a ton of different designers and markets. Personally I would love to be a shoe designer. My job as a teacher to to open the students eyes to see what they can do. For me I see shoes as an outlet and an expression of ones self. Also when I wear awesome shoes I feel great about myself. When I was younger I did not see a possibility to become a shoe designer and that is what I want to avoid as a teacher having a student say oh I can do that! They need to understand they literally can do anything. There is this great site on the computer that I found about a year ago. It is all about clothing and without technology we would never have it. This is a great way to show students how to use technology for their future. The website will be linked in below. Hopefully a student will be able to see the large market for clothing and be able to realize their dreams can come true!    

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