Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mini Paint Timeline

Since the early years of humans painting and recording stories have been around. From cave men up until now the idea of painting has changed drastically. It is important that everyones understands that cave mens depiction is a version of painting. Since then painting has come a long way. Paint has been around for so long throughout American history. Watercolor dates back to the time of the cave men, then there is oil paint which can be dated back to 1430 and most recently around 1940 acrylic paint was created. These are not the only 3 kinds of paint but they are the most important. Painting is not my concentration but it is important to understand this is how we know what happened in the 1400's, 1500's and so forth. Painting has evolved greatly over the years. Technology has been able to change paint because we can now synthetically create paint to make it last longer and become cheaper for consumers. Being that I was born in the late 1900's I have a choice of so many different types of paint. I do see this as a problem though because I should have tried to use oil paint because it is a piece of art history but I have not tried it and I have only used acrylics. I feel as though anyone who takes a painting class should have the opportunity to test it out. People have used oil paint for so long so it is important to see what it is like.      

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea painting's history could be traced back so many years. This could provide some interesting units in an art class or art history. Knowing where the medium comes from and what its original uses were could definitely inspire or guide an artists. I know this is true for me as a musician, I try to consider the origin of a genre when I re-create it in a piece of music or improvise within the style. Seeing how our technology has advanced over the years really helps me appreciate what we have today and use it more mindfully.
